The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Disk No: 2008
Disk Title: OverLord disk 1 of 3 (2009, 2010 also)
PC-SIG Version: S1
Program Title: OverLord
Author Version: 1.11
Author Registration: $29.00
Special Requirements: 2 Floppy Drives or a Hard Drive (Hard Drive recomm
OVERLORD can help you manage your apartment building, condominium, club,
parking garage, church, homeowners association, or any other type of
organizations that tracks members by a "unit" such as a lot or apartment
number, license number or serial number. OVERLORD is a multifunction
program designed to help you organize and control your member records
and accounts.
Prepares and prints bills with an optional late charge feature,
Percentage or Dollars. You can specify the current balance above which
late charges should be billed. You can specify different late charges
for Billing and for Delinquencies. You can do the Billing all at once
for all clients or you can use Cycle Billing and specify the Billing
interval period by Month, Quarter, Half year and Year, you can do mixed
interval billing for each account.
Sends customized letters to clients, spelled contract start and
expiration dates, current balance, Lien or deposit amount are imbedded
within the text. Choices for salutation can be selected. You can
choose to print on your own preprinted stationary or have the program
generate the letterhead etc. for you. You can do selective mailing to
clients, based on contract dates, current balance, deposits or liens
etc. Generate mailing labels or print addresses on envelopes. All
mailings are prepared to fit window envelopes.
Other Features:
~ Handles up to nine different organizations on a Fixed Disk.
~ Unit (like apartment) availability is checked also the availability by
~ Produces Delinquency and YTD credited reports.
~ A financial summary is offered showing the overall income and source
by category.
~ Maintains a year-to-date credit history, even after an account is
~ Measures outgoing expenses to Budget items every day.
~ Description of the "Unit" detail, seven fields, with the option to
customize the field names and print a report.
~ Has a flexible Fiscal/Budget year, the default is from January 1 to
December 31.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.